IMTCN May 2017 Diploma Paper Installation Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Computer Networks

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IMTCN 6th Semester CSE May 2017 Diploma Paper


Q1. Do as directed.                                                         15×1=15

    a. Most common diagnostic software is .
    b. The standard connector for unshielded twisted pair cabling is RJ-45 connector .
    c. Hub is half duplex device. (T/F) TRUE
    d. The Operating System is the core software component of your computer.
    e. TCP/IP model has Four layers.
    f. A Bridge is a device filters data traffic at a network boundary.
    g. Two types of ISDN are Basic Rate Interface (BRI) and Primary Rate Interface (PRI)
    h. PING stands for Packet Internet Groper .
     i. TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol.
     j. Class C is for
    k. Ethernet is 802.3 IEEE specification.
     l. The maximum numbers of computers in a workgroup is 20
   m. POST stands for Power On Self Test. 
    n. Win Proxy is a 32-bit application designed to work as a Application Programming Interface
    o. A flashing green light on NIC confirms connected or receiving a signal.


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

     I. What is virus? Explain its important features in brief
    II. Difference between Bridge and Switch.
   III. Define software failure in brief.
   IV. Differentiate between corrective and preventive maintenance.
   V. Differentiate between two tier and three tier architecture.
   VI. List the important features of wifi system.
  VII. Explain the use of PING tool.
 VIII. Explain fault location procedure in brief?


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

  Q3. Explain the functional area approach and split half method for hardware fault troubleshooting.
  Q4. Explain the concept of IP addressing in detail along with classes.
   Q5. Write note on: a) NIC Troubleshooting b) Wireless access point installation.
   Q6. Explain Hardware faults and software faults in detail.
   Q7. Discuss the working of DNS? Explain its important features.

IMTCN 6th Semester CSE May 2018 Diploma Solved Paper

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Section a IMTCN 6th Semester CSE May 2017 Diploma Solved Paper

a. Most common diagnostic software is ____________

Most common diagnostic software is .

b. The standard connector for unshielded twisted pair cabling is ______

The standard connector for unshielded twisted pair cabling is RJ-45 connector .

c. Hub is half duplex device. (T/F)


d. The Operating System is the core software component of your computer.

 The Operating System is the core software component of your computer.

e. TCP/IP model has _______ layers.

TCP/IP model has Four layers.

f. A ______ is a device filters data traffic at a network boundary.

 A Bridge is a device filters data traffic at a network boundary.

g. Two types of ISDN are ____________ and _________

Two types of ISDN are Basic Rate Interface (BRI) and Primary Rate Interface (PRI)

h. PING stands for __________

PING stands for Packet Internet Groper .

i. TCP stands for ___________

TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol.

 j. Class C is for _______

Class C is for

k. Ethernet is ______ specification.

Ethernet is 802.3 IEEE specification.

 l. The maximum numbers of computers in a workgroup is _____

The maximum numbers of computers in a workgroup is 20

m. POST stands for ____________

POST stands for Power On Self Test. 

n. Win Proxy is a 32-bit application designed to work as a __________

Win Proxy is a 32-bit application designed to work as a Application Programming Interface

o. A flashing green light on NIC confirms ___________

A flashing green light on NIC confirms connected or receiving a signal.

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Section B :IMTCN 6th Sem CSE May 2017 Diploma Solved Paper

What is virus? Explain its important features in brief

virus its important features 

Difference between Bridge and Switch.

Comparison between Bridge and Switch.

Define software failure in brief

Software failure in brief.

Differentiate between corrective and preventive maintenance.

Comparison between corrective and preventive maintenance.

Differentiate between two tier and three tier architecture.

Differentiate Between two tier and three tier architecture.

List the important features of wifi system.

Important features of wifi system.

Explain the use of PING tool.

Use of PING tool.

Explain fault location procedure in brief?

Fault location procedure 

IMTCN 6th Semester CSE May 2017 Diploma Solved Paper Click Here

IMTCN 6th Semester CSE May 2017 Diploma Solved Paper

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Section c :-IMTCN 6th Sem CSE May 2017 Diploma Solved Paper

Q3. Explain functional area approach and split half method for hardware fault troubleshooting.

Functional area approach and split half method for hardware fault troubleshooting.

Q4. Explain the concept of IP addressing in detail along with classes.

concept of IP addressing in detail along with classes.

Q5. Write note on: a) NIC Troubleshooting b) Wireless access point installation.

A) NIC Troubleshooting

B) Wireless access point installation.

 Q6. Explain Hardware faults and software faults in detail.

Hardware faults and software faults in detail.

Q7. Discuss the working of DNS? Explain its important features.

working of DNS? Explain its important features.

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